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If You Happened to Try

I like songs that people hardly know
So when I heard you do, I went home smiling
I love eating but mostly I sleep during the day
So when you asked me, "Aren't you afraid to get fat?"
I laught on how ridiculous it sounds
For as long as I have you here
I wouldn't mind looking like a panda bear
So when you told me, "You're interesting, do you know it?"
I could not help but giggle nervously at the remark
So that you could see how bad
I am with compliments
For they will float you up to high places but
I would prefer to shut my eyes

Because when you questioned, "Are you okay?"
As I watched you walking out of my door
I would stand still as I know
I would still like those lame songs
would eat midnight snacks
would dream big when the moon rises
would still have these panda eyes
would be thanking you
for trying.


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