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A Group of Kids Wondering about Norms: A Conversation

“Is marriage a must?”
I turn my head up to Hailee who is sitting on her bed. I am on the floor; coloring a turtle on my brand new coloring book, while, next to me, Brooke is searching for the right song on her phone to be played.
“Hmm, I know what this is all about.” I hear Brooke answers.
“Really? What is it?” Since I have the lowest GPA in the room, it is all that I can say.
“I mean can I just spend my life with learning?” Hailee shoots. I couldn’t be more agree on that so I turn to Brooke.
“We all will through the same phase of loathing the idea of marriage. I used to think about that too in my high school era.” she replies.
“So do you think I am in the phase?” Hailee asks.
“A good friend once said, marriage makes your religion perfect,”
“Well, if this is what God wants, then okay” I nod my head along with Hailee.
“It’s just, I can’t stand the idea of devoting my life to someone.” Hailee shoots again. I heavily nod my head again I feel like it is going to dislodge itself from my neck.
“I know right! I mean, I don’t want to wake up with a duty of washing someone else’s underwear!”
“EWWW!” we almost wake the entire neighborhood.
“We’ve got to stop talking about that before I puke,” I say instantly.
“You’re right.” Brooke affirms
“So do you know that they change it into Agents of Hydra?” Hailee starts.
“Agent WHAT—“I am so shocked I get the wrong color on the book.
Hailee starts scrolling through her phone. “See? Even Ward is back.”
“Life is easier in science fiction.” I pout.
“Yea, the actor who plays Garret passed away yesterday. Everyone in SHIELD was so sad since he seems to be a fun person” Brooke pouts too.
We are all pouting at the end.
“A lecturer mistaken me as you again today.” Hailee says to me.
“Ugh, not again. Last Monday, someone in my advance theory class write my name ‘HAILEE’ on a group project.”
Brooke laughs. “Today I wore the same blue shirt like Kendall's, everyone thinks we consciously did so.”

“We seriously have to quit hanging out together too often.”


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