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Two [a fan poetriction: 嵐]

Dear Mrs. Ohno,

I'm not the best person when it comes to words, I think you know that very well.
there is no other better time than this to tell you things I've felt inside for these past two years.
Thus, I decided to write you this

Long before I asked your parents for your hands in marriage
I've made promises to you, more importantly to myself, which I would strive to be the best version of myself to fulfill
I promised that I would always stay by your side no matter what happen
That I would never let you cry alone
That I would not cut your wings to dream high even when our hands are intertwined.

For someone like me, getting married has never been simple.
Regarding the ups and downs we've been through, you and I understand that better than anyone else.
It's just,
I've never thought that marriage would be so much complicated than I could ever imagined.
I know I've said those promises out loud to your parents back then, but,
What I'm feeling now is beyond sorry, for I have failed most of them

There were days within these past two years, when my job left me no other option but to leave you alone
Over and over again.
Hundred of times I've told you I would give it up, but
Every single time I felt like I couldn't do it anymore you always came with those stupid protests that calmed me,
"Eeh, why tho?? I do really really really like watching Oh-chan dance and sing your heart out on the stage. Kakkoi yo. It suits you very well."

There were nights within these past two years, when I found you cried while watching sad doramas and movies.
You've always managed to wipe your tears before I said "Tadaima", then complained on silly things like,
"Nino-san just mailed me to scold you. You're not supposed to leave early when they have party especially with senpais around. It's still 1 AM, have some funn!"
Or that day on the hospital balcony when you secretly cried upon my injury during rehearsal.
I can't help but wonder how many times you've managed to appease me (okay, sometimes laugh tho) when I burst into tears in front of you.
And yet there hasn't been a single moment of me to do the same.

There were also times within these past two years, when I noticed you've quit dreaming high like you used to, only to adjust living this tangled life with me.
We had severe arguments upon this that ended up with your gritted teeth statement,
"You've never cut my wings. Instead, you made me believe that my own, current self is enough. I've realized I'm not something half-done, I'm a whole."

And yet for these past two years you've managed to love this man of failures.
You believe in me when I don't even have the strength to believe in myself.
In case you haven't notice, darling, you've been a great support for me,
a gentle hand to ease my pain,
a perfect company.
And I thank God for you.
I thank God for us.

Happy anniversary for you and me and the little coming-soon Ohno.

Love always,

paham maksudnya tida, kawan-kawan? jadi ini bukan songfic lagu 'Two' tapi saya bego abis dalam hal membuat judul *uhuk ingat skripshit*, jadi pake 'Two' aja. 'Two' for two years getoh maksudnya. Ah udah ah saya malu bego, udah lama ga bikin beginian tapi masi aja cheesynya ga berubah. Jika jijique berlanjut, hubungi dokter.


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