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About Brooke

I am so in the mood to nggambas right now. This post would prolly get updated because Allah Maha Membolak-balikkan Hati Manusia yak, so here we go

Brooke friend. This sums up pretty much everything so you may leave this site now. Bye bye.

I met her on my junior year, of course, because we've been classmates since then. I don't really remember our first acquaintance. All I know is somehow I was tangled with her friendship problem before I even genuinely knew her. Bingung kan? Engga kok, nggak se membingungkan itu alay aku tuh emang. So, I'm just gonna tell what I remember.

We all have this unofficial project mates that we rarely change in class, right? Because yak gitulah. Brooke also had ones. Let's call them Fiona and Patricia from now on. So in my junior year, I spent a lot of my free time alone. I was in the reading room in my faculty (prolly napping, idk) when I heard this Fiona and Patricia were currently nagging about Brooke. Since, they know me, of course, we're classmates, somehow Fiona invited me to the talking. I didn't really know Brooke back then, I also didn't really know them. So when they told me that they disliked Brooke for her high standard upon doing college projects, I....couldn't help but frowning. But they didn't really notice because they were so much into the talking. Okay, so I also have high standards on doing projects. I am picky and if I know my partners are sucks, I'd automatically put myself as the corrector even tho I know I'm not that smart HAHAHAHHAHANJIRLIS. Thus, everything they complained about Brooke was basically soooo me. I think that was the initial thing that made me notice Brooke's existence since then. Lol.

Again, I don't really remember how we got together as friends. So all I know is somehow Brooke broke up with Fiona and Patricia, then somehow we're in the same unofficial group of friends in projects blablablah it was not until my last sophomore year that we really got along very well. I manage to remember that SOMEHOW I encountered the exact same thing happening again to Brooke. People nagged on her behind her back and I'VE ALWAYS happened to be there. Frowning. I kept it for myself for awhile but the group managed to draw a space with Brooke until Brooke asked if there's something wrong because of course she felt things. Duh. And she asked me. Me the forever spectator who keeps quiet upon things because ngapain kan yak diumbar. And I decided to tell her the ugly truth. Because she deserves to know. Because I hate hearing my friends badmouthing my friends duh gurls. And I happened to tell her that I've been through the same thing in my junior high school, and she told me that she also had the same experience before, also in her JHS era.

And we cried.

A lot.

Like, a lot. It was painful to see something like that, it brought back painful memory. I remember the campus was super dark, it was already around 8 or 9 pm. I remember we were near the musholla, and we cried cried cried, and we cried cried cried. I think that's what makes us together up until now. We become friends who share bitterness upon the society. We also share dreams. We went abroad for the first time, together. I learn that she has super different personality compared with me. Let's move to the next paragraph.

Brooke is an extroverted person. She likes to greet people. She really likes to get surrounded by people. Unlike me.

We share the same hotel room in Singapore and that's where I learned lots of differences. Brooke is her head. She doesn't bring her own towel on trips, she didn't wash her hair after a veeeeery long day(s) of sweat, she always spent more money than I did on buying things (she ends up regretting it). BUT, she is waaay more neat and ordered than me in practical things. She wakes up in the morning, she's a morning person. She's NEVER late. She sleeps on normal time like a baby (I slept at 3 am). She opened the curtain and made me get ready before anyone else, and she made me enjoy the morning sun (even when I didn't enjoy it LOL I needed more sleep, Brooke). In conclusion, I may good at planning things, in my head, but Brooke is the one who is great on executing things in real life. That is, perhaps, what I need the most in life wahahah.

I feel that way before I manage to know that her mbti type is ENFP. You may stop reading now because when I start to talk about mbti, I don't stop. Okay back at it again, I am an INTJ. Brooke and I are connected, only by our N - intuitive aspect. The rest of it is different. They even say "ENFP and INTJ connection is made in heaven". We would make a perfect couple, as well as friends. I don't believe it, dude. I experience it myself. I feel like, with Brooke, I can always talk about everything. I'm 100% sure if Brooke and I lived in different culture right now, like, maybe in Japan or South Korea, we would be those girls who spend a lot of their time drinking soju or beer, talking about everything, crying, eating, singing together until 4 am. And I would never get tired of it.

Brooke and I are those people who have ugly scars in friendship. I know that she knows that we both know that we are afraid to call each other 'best friends'. And so we'll continue to befriended just like this, hopefully.


(May contain lots of grammar errors, kalo ga males tar saya betulin)


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