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Showing posts from October, 2016

Dear, Patrick [a fan-poetriction: The Perks of Being a Wallflower]

Have I ever told you how I constantly feel this tingling feeling, almost like tiny bit volts of being electricized whenever our skin touched? I know it's weird, especially when it comes from me. But I mean it. Take today as an example; I jumped onto you. At the cafeteria. In front of people for the first time. And it could've been more sweet than we could've imagined, but, no. Though some part of me might do really want to wrap my arms around yours in a hope that I could've hushed your pain away, God, I want to take all these bruises by myself. I do. Because instead of cuddling you, like you had always done, I punched you in the face. Because you punched me first and goddamn it I totally deserve it. I wish you would've just ended me today rather than knowing I have to live another day facing the fact that the word 'sorry' would never be enough to aid you. I will be forever doomed and you will be forever aching for what I've done. Wish I wasn&#