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Showing posts from July, 2018

Boring Life Update: Deathanniversary July 2018

It's not like there was actually SOMEBODY out there who waited for this little update, lol seriously. But it's been like what? Two months already? Two months since the last time I posted anything in this little sanctuary of mine. I'd like to make an update for myself. Of course. Because I'm self-centered, I like drowning in my own puddle as much as I can't get myself out of it even if I'm hardly breathing within, so yea, So what I had been doing for these past two months, mostly includes, wait for it: a thesis . Yes, you are allowed to laugh. 2018 is basically my second chance to start over with my messy depressive unproductive crappy life of failure last year, so, yea. What I can finally say now is, my thesis is done.....poorly. But it's done, that's like thousand times better than an undone one. I'm not quite proud of it, I know I could've done better but seems like 2017 devil still lingers over my body so, yea.Wait, you're right. I