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Dodie has put it perfectly. '6/10' refers to an emotion rate. When you go to see a psychologists, they will usually ask and label your feeling on a scale of 1-10.

Boring Life Update: Deathanniversary July 2018

It's not like there was actually SOMEBODY out there who waited for this little update, lol seriously. But it's been like what? Two months already? Two months since the last time I posted anything in this little sanctuary of mine. I'd like to make an update for myself. Of course. Because I'm self-centered, I like drowning in my own puddle as much as I can't get myself out of it even if I'm hardly breathing within, so yea, So what I had been doing for these past two months, mostly includes, wait for it: a thesis . Yes, you are allowed to laugh. 2018 is basically my second chance to start over with my messy depressive unproductive crappy life of failure last year, so, yea. What I can finally say now is, my thesis is done.....poorly. But it's done, that's like thousand times better than an undone one. I'm not quite proud of it, I know I could've done better but seems like 2017 devil still lingers over my body so, yea.Wait, you're right. I

About Brooke

I am so in the mood to nggambas right now. This post would prolly get updated because Allah Maha Membolak-balikkan Hati Manusia yak, so here we go Brooke friend. This sums up pretty much everything so you may leave this site now. Bye bye. I met her on my junior year, of course, because we've been classmates since then. I don't really remember our first acquaintance. All I know is somehow I was tangled with her friendship problem before I even genuinely knew her. Bingung kan? Engga kok, nggak se membingungkan itu alay aku tuh emang. So, I'm just gonna tell what I remember. We all have this unofficial project mates that we rarely change in class, right? Because yak gitulah. Brooke also had ones. Let's call them Fiona and Patricia from now on. So in my junior year, I spent a lot of my free time alone. I was in the reading room in my faculty (prolly napping, idk) when I heard this Fiona and Patricia were currently nagging about Brooke. Since, they know me, of

Hello, Darling: An Open Letter

Hello, Sorry I couldn't help but feeling that 'hello' is such a warm word. And in between those five warm letters, I want to slip my fingers and once again intertwine them with your universe upon the message: I respect you. and your decision and things in between I wish there is still forgiveness in the distance between you and I .

another Sav's (sorry I can't seem to stop)

Have you ever found this one thing on internet that it feels SO relatable in the weirdest way yet SO accurate? This is so random and definitely different in term of meaning in so many levels but let me say this just once, I am SO Savannah Brown. Of course, unfortunately, I don't inherit her wits, her beauty, her intelligence, her courage, her pretty little mind and everything. I feel like she and I, somehow, have this similar system, that we're kind of trapped in it, and hating it, and all. And personally, I AM relieved for I know now, that somebody out there, somebody that beautiful, is doing awesome. Struggled, but still awesome and beautiful and all. Okay I talk nonsense in centered alignment it's weird, so kthxbye.

Two [a fan poetriction: 嵐]

Dear Mrs. Ohno, I'm not the best person when it comes to words, I think you know that very well. But, there is no other better time than this to tell you things I've felt inside for these past two years. Thus, I decided to write you this Long before I asked your parents for your hands in marriage I've made promises to you, more importantly to myself, which I would strive to be the best version of myself to fulfill I promised that I would always stay by your side no matter what happen That I would never let you cry alone That I would not cut your wings to dream high even when our hands are intertwined. For someone like me, getting married has never been simple. Regarding the ups and downs we've been through, you and I understand that better than anyone else. It's just, I've never thought that marriage would be so much complicated than I could ever imagined. I know I've said those promises out loud to your parents back then, but, What I'm